The ISO code of Montserrat is MS according to the ISO 3166 standard. The local name of the country is the same as its English name. The capital of Montserrat is Plymouth (officially); Brades Estate (de facto). The people of Montserrat speak the English language. In 1632, Montserrat emerged as a sovereign political entity.
Montserrat is in the UTC -04 time zone, also known as Atlantic Standard Time or AST. The Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Montserrat is .ms. The international dialing code for Montserrat is 1664.

Montserrat country profile - Confidus Solutions

Montserrat country profile - Confidus Solutions

Montserrat is a country located in the Caribbean part of North America. It is a Parliamentary dependency under constitutional monarchy, lead by queen Elizabeth II. The capital of Montserrat is Plymouth (official); Brades Estate (de facto). English is