




Welcome to BatalP Include I Radio. We are currently accepting music submissions for our independent internet radio station in the hip hop category. For music submissions, contact me via email or Dm. If we consider your content to be suitable material for our platform we will add your audio material to our general rotation playlist. To feature your music, log into your lord Ceo music catalog and request an artist account. Once approved you can upload your audio and start trending.


Diversity in media is a critical element to any existing democracy. Media should not only report information accurately and in a timely manner, but also accurately represent it's demographics. In the event an absence of a diversity of voices exists, the results will yield a diminished engagement in public and /or civic affairs as well as the newsrooms. The public's trust in our present day media is not only extremely low, but falling. On the flip side of things, most people tend to trust the media they like, most of us like what we feel we can trust, Welcome to BatalP ii social media marketing radio.