Our Premium Subscription

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In this article we will briefly go over the benefits and purpose of our premium subscription plans.

Communities are very important toward the development of today’s modern day society. What makes communities so relevant is based on the fact that they share similar social characteristics, which can appear in a variety of shapes and sizes. It can range from identical religious values, social norms, customs, core values and similar struggles such as poor economic development, poor access to basic services, healthcare and so on. Communities can also be formed in a virtual space through communication platform such as my business network. So what common bond can be formed through our virtual community. Businesses face a lot of challenges.

The lifeblood of their challenges in my opinion is very basic. Connecting with the average everyday consumer. Poor connection between businesses and consumers can be problematic when as a consumer you have a particular need and haven’t yet discovered a business to satisfy that need, for the right price at the right time. As a consumers go to work everyday, pay your fair of taxes and now it’s time to consume. Consumption comes in a variety of forms such as the quality of housing you pay for, the quality of food you consume, the quality of your neighborhood, schools, entertainment we are all consumers. Even business owners.

Welcome to Batal Production include i social, the official business networking platform of Batal Production. The purpose of our business network is to connect the average everyday consumer, with business owners from within their local community globally. We believe that such a significant connection between business owners, the consumer, connecting through our social media platform will create a relationship that can achieve true sustainability. Sustainability to the business owners and sustainability for the consumer, globally. The three core components heavily involved in connecting with average everyday consumer can be easily broken down into
1. Discovery, where your business can get discovered on our business network.
2. Engagement, where the average consumer can engage with business owners through posts, audio video calling, go live features and real-time instant messaging.
3. Delivery, where a connection is made and the consumer is satisfied and the business owner gain a new client and stay connected.

Premium subscriber - Become a premium subscriber on our business network and gain access to a wide variety of features to enhance your user experience and connect you with business owners from within your local community, globally. As a premium susbcriber, eventhough you wont have access to  profile features, Show / Hide last seen, verified badge, job posts and events creation, business profiles and son on you can still connect business to consumer or consumer to business through audio calling, uploads, posts and much much more. Visit our pricing strategy for more details.

Verified subscriber - Become a verified subscriber on our business network and gain access to a wide variety of features to enhance your user experience. As a verified susbcriber on our busienss network, you will have access to all of the features of a premium subscriber along with our verification badge, audio and video calling and much much more. Visit our pricing strategy for more details.Verified subscribers will also receive a monthly hardcopy of our publication.

Quarterly subscriber - Become a quarterly verified subscriber on our business network and gain access to a wide variety of features to enhance your user experience. Students, connect with your educators right on our business network. Our quarterly subscription package is designed with the educators, students and job seekers in mind. As a quarterly susbcriber on our business network, you will have access to all of the features of a verified subscriber along with our verification badge, audio and video calling and much much more. Visit our pricing strategy for more details. All quarterly verified subscribers will also receive our quarterly hardcopy publication which will consist of featured articles from our online production magazine, featured members, participating service providers, tests, quizzes and educational material used to assist students parents and teachers making and maintaining that connection. listed below are the features and benefits.

  1. Complimentary copy of our 40 page production magazine
  2. 90 day susbcription to the blac bleu monthly
  3. Business profile creation on our business network with ratifications and a rating system
  4. Online resume with contact form, word and pdf download.

Annual subscriber Become an annual premium subscriber on our business network and gain access to a wide variety of features to enhance your user experience and connect you with business owners from within your local community, globally, start connecting. As an annual susbcriber you will receive all of the benefits of a verified susbcriber with the exception of a monthly susbcription to the blac bleu montly delievered to your doorstep. It is designed to give the average everyday consumer all the features required to stay connected with your business contacts on our business network.

REGISTER YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY - go premium a manage your susbcriptions at anytime.
