Get Listed Annually

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A business card can be considered to be one of if not the most cost effective way to communicate your ideas to any individual or entity professionally.

With all the technological advancements available to us in today’s modern day society, the basic factor of all things will always remain basic and nothing in the business world, with all it’s complexities is as basic as the business card. As an Entrepreneur, as soon as you have decided to embark on your journey, the very first piece of marketing collateral material you should have beforehand is a business card. As a seasoned business owner you would use your business card to drive web traffic door generate leads amongst other things.

A business card can be considered to be one of if not the most cost effective way to communicate your ideas to any individual or entity professionally. Having a well designed business card is the simplest way to share information or spark a conversation. The Blac Bleu Listing is the official listing of The Blac Bleu book and is designed to connect the average everyday consumer with business owners from within their local community globally. We believe that such a significant relationship between the community, media and local businesses will establishes a trust that creates true sustainability.

List your business annually in our business listing and give your company or organization the visibility they deserve. By listing your business annually with us you will receive a custom designed business card alongside featuring in our business listing both online and hardcopy. Our custom designed business card comes with QR coding technology that will allow the average everyday consumer, to access your business listing directly on our platform with just a quick scan to url.Our QR code scanning technology is a greet way to convert a simple meet and greet to a long term business relationship besides delivering a powerful follow up to your introduction.

To list your business with us annually and feature in our monthly publication as well as our quarterly production magazine. Create your user account and update your profile pic as well as social media links Select the list business option in our menu tab and choose your subscription. Currently we are offering a one hundred and eighty day trial offer globally. Fill out the required information thoroughly including city, state, country and zipcode so as to activate our google maps feature Upload your featured image preferably a businesscard, logo, brochure or some kind of marketing collateral.Select and verify your package. If you select trial offer it should be displayed on the account creation page. You also have the chance to change your package before finalization Once payment is made, received and your listing is approved, you'll be able to upload gallery photos and video url after post creation. Create your account via our business netwrok II-social. Contact me and send me a message so I can upgrade your business networking account to reflect annual susbcription and ensure your premium account servcies such as audio and video calling is activated. All annual subscribers will automatically be upgraded to the annual susbcription plan on our business network at no extra cost

Contact me directly by email, telephone or set an appointment for further assistance.