Creating and managing your news feed

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In this article we will talk about your newsfeed. A feature on our business network. We will describe what it is, its purpose and how it can assist you in connecting with the average everyday consumer using social media as a way to reach a wide rage of audience globally.

With over four point one billion social media users as a business owner whether big or small, considering the apparent factors, it is something that should be included in your marketing strategy. It is a great and possibly the fastest way to reach your targeted audience, create brand awareness, build and establish a strong customer base and last but not least, generate revenue. As a business, when it comes to digital marketing you want to use social media to promote the services you offer alongside your brand. Welcome to BatalP include i social our official business network designed to connect the average everyday consumer with business owners from within their local community globally. We believe that such a connection between businesses, the consumer and media can promote an environment that creates true sustainability.


In this article we will talk about your newsfeed. A feature on our business network. We will describe what it is, its purpose and how it can assist you in connecting with the average everyday consumer using social media as a way to reach a wide rage of audience globally. Upon creating your free user account, updating your profile and bio on your personal profile then business profile it is time for you to be discovered. The main purpose of a newsfeed is share user updates if you’re the average everyday consumer and advertisements if you’re representing a business. Since news feeds are where social media users spend the majority of their time since it gives them the opportunity to actually engage with other users contents

 Now to fully understand the way news feed operate from a technical prospective you would have to know a little bit about algorithms. News feeds have a way of responding to signals from you and can be based on a variety of scenarios. How much you interact with other user accounts and business profiles who posted, the number of ratifications or comments received, how much interaction this post received in the past and so on. So to better connect with other users on our business network a great starting point would be to post user profile updates and allow engagement through your post. If you are a business owner and would like to connect through branding of your product and services consider posting frequently.
